Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Facebook War

Brace yourselves, this is a long one!

So my good friend, um, Tiffany we shall call her, posted this awful picture last night on her facebook page. I left a comment and her angry right winged sister in law went off on a tangent. I am posting the comments for you to see the amusement for yourselves. Names have been changed to protect the innocent!

Molly Martini

No, that is what we had with the last president - he was definitely the joker!!!

Mavis Davis

Don't people know that what this admin is trying to do has been tried in other countries and been a disaster? There is no logic with the left. Full speed ahead distruction of this country. And they'll continue to whine about the economy being Bush's fault - all the while ignoring or being totally ignorant of the roll the House and Senate played in it all. Never mind that there are videos where you can watch the Bush administration and Republican senators practically beg for something to be done about Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, while the Democrats (Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters) lied through their teeth. I guess the facts never get in the way when CNN, CBS, MSNBC, ABC, etc. refuse to report them. wah wah wah wah, another whiney liberal!

Molly Martini

The economy mostly is the fault of Bush. And I am from England (although proud to be an American citizen now!) and we have socialized medicine there and it is not the nightmare everyone makes it out to be. Why is everyone so scared of change?

Mavis Davis

I have many friends from England who say differently. America has the greatest health care system in the world. Why would you change that? Why, with the economy the way it is, would you go to a system that will bankrupt us? It does't make sense. This was tried in Hawaii, with children only, for less than two years and it didn't work. They closed down the program. The government can't run anything but the military. Example: our public schools, the post office, the V.A., Medicaid, THE GOVERNMENT! Now they are going to take over our entire health care system. It is simply a way to control people and to make achievers pay for non-achievers. THAT is what destroys a country. They mislead people when say the numbers of people who don't have health care. There isn't one person who doesn't have access to health care. The people who are truly in need of help, with no INSURANCE, can get it, that's what Medicaid is for.

Mavis Davis

You say the economy is the fault of Bush, but you ignore the fact that the democrats are responsible for the housing disaster which started this whole slide. George Bush got us through the greatest disaster our generation has ever seen. He did it with tax cuts. He cut taxes across the board, but the democrats said it was for the wealthy only That was a lie. He increased the earned income credit for single parents making low wages, he reduced the tax rate for the lowest income earners and so much more. Almost 50% of Americans pay no Federal Income Tax. That's disgraceful and Obama wants to punish the wealthy who pay all of the taxes and keep this country going. He is raising taxes on small business. The left hurts everything it claims to wish to help. And people keep sucking it up, as long as the media tells them to.

Mavis Davis

George Bush is a good man. I've thought long and hard for over eight years why the media would wish to destroy someone like they tried to do with Bush. All I can come up with is that it he is a good and decent man. When I look at all that is elevated in this country, it's certainly not decency. MTV, Hollywood, Bill Clinton, the murder of our children.... What's good and pure is ridiculed and what is perverted and raunchy is celebrated. I heard a man say once, "There is nothing so vulgar left in society today that they cannot fly in some professor from somewhere to justify it." Hmmm, I"ll have to add that one to my quotes! Good night :-)

Molly Martini

Ah, yes, the greatest health care in the world - maybe it is, but at a price many cannot afford. I am tired of the politicians that are only in it for themselves, for the rich to get richer and the poor to stay poor. I am not saying the state of the economy is the fault of Bush entirely, I am sure Clinton had something to do with it, but the last 8 years have been a nightmare and have not helped the situation, but have only made it worse. I don't care what political party someone prefers, I am more about humanity and I think that we as a country should work together, should help each other out, should be more of a community. Health care should be a right, not a privilege. I have family and friends in England still and the health care system is not as good as America, but it isn't the worst either. My mom is in hospital right now preparing for an operation to remove cancer tomorrow morning - she has not had to suffer or wait for months for this operation.

Tiffany’s Husband

The entire world benefits from the current health care in the United States -- without the current health care system combined with the dreaded Capitilism, there would not be all of the current treatments and medications. The whole of the world gets the payoff, but everyone is mad that the people that put up the money want to make a profit. Hell more often than not it isn't a profit, considering that there is countless money spent on R&D that goes nowhere. If the rest of the world had systems that were worth a s**t, the leaders of the world would not come here for treatment. The fact that not all of the people have insurance is not athe problem the media wants it to be. The media does not consider that not all young single people want the expense of insurance, for some it is cheaper to pay the doctor as needed.

Mavis Davis

Molly, you say "we as a country should work together." That is what we've been doing since the founding of our country. It is proven that the more government gets involved, the less people give to charity. American's donate more of their money they any other country. This is because we are big, fat, greedy capitalists. And Obama wishes to change this. The more people are dependent on government, the less they do for themselves. A society cannot exist like that. History has been recorded, why do so many ignore history? You say health care is a right? I disagree. People have to buy car insurance, law abiding citizens do it. Why can't people pay for their own health insurance? Why should someone else pay for it? It used to be an honor to work hard and be independant. Our children are being raised to think the world owes them something. If health care is a right, what is food? Should the government be paying for our food as well?

Mavis Davis

A beer sounds great! Even though it's 12:30 where I'm at. I suppose I'll just go to bed instead! :-)

Molly Martini

Driving a car is not a right, it is a privilege, so I don't even know how you can compare health insurance to that! And I do think everyone should have access to good health care, but not at the high costs they are at now. Have you ever lived on the poverty line? Do you know what it is like to go without health insurnace? I have, it sucks! And if your children believes the world owes them something, it is because you have failed as a parent, not the government or the world. We as parents raise our children, at least I do anyway. Oh, and our constitution states we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - to have "life" we need health care. And by saying that people should pay no matter what the cost, you are not working together as "the people", you are in it for yourself.

Mavis Davis

You missed the point. If people do what it takes to pay for car insurance (because no one is doing it for them), then how much more important is health insurance? Since driving a car is a privilege, maybe some people have to give up their cars and pay for their health insurance instead of expecting others to do it for them. Besides, NO ONE is rejected health care in this country. You have bought the koolaid, you are mixing health care with health insurance. Insurance is not a right. For those who cannot afford insurance, there is government help. Medicare and Medicaid is only a high cost for the TAX PAYERS who are covering the program. The people who suffer from the high cost of health insurance are SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE PEOPLE OBAMA IS RAISING TAXES ON TO PAY FOR HIS PATHETIC ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS!!!!!!! What don't you get about that?

Mavis Davis

The only time I went without health insurance was when I chose to. Then later I paid for my own insurance at $100 per month. I had to scrimp in other areas. Big deal. My son worked a job that didn't provide insurance for three years and he, too, paid for his own insurance at $100 a month. Big Deal! So, your accusation of me failing as a parent is off base and insulting, but exactly what can be expected from soon on the left. Neither I nor my child expects the world to pay for us. YOU, HOWEVER, ARE DEFENDING THAT VERY THING IN YOUR CIRCULAR ARGUMENTS! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO THINKS HEALTH CARE IS A RIGHT, MY DEAR! NOT ME!YOU ARE NOT WORKING AS A PEOPLE, YOU ARE EXPECTING THE GOVERNMENT TO DO THAT FOR YOU!

Mavis Davis

You also ignored my statement that research shows that the more the government controls, the less people do for themselves. If you were as concerned for the welfare of humanity as you claim, you would process that fact, instead of ignore it. CHARITY AND HUMANITY SUFFERS WHEN THE GOVERNMENT TAKES CONTROL. DO YOUR RESEARCH!

Molly Martini

Wow, angry much?! I have no interest in arguing with you as I know we will never agree, and I am fine with that. Healthy debates are acceptable, shouting isn't. Sorry Tiffany, I can only apologize for my rudeness on your page! You my dear friend must be rolling your eyes! So glad we can agree to disagree on these matters.

Mavis Davis

You, Molly Martini, started the angry tone when you accused me of being a a failure as a parent. Here, I'll paste your comment for you, since you've apparently forgotten: "it is because you have failed as a parent". I'm sure Tiffany is rolling her eyes alright, but only because she has the same political beliefs that I have. As all on the left do, you think with your emotions, the right backs up their arguments with research and history, the left then resorts to insults, the right fights back, and the left starts crying and accusing the right of being mean. It gets really old. But Tiffany is a grown up. She knows that posting a political issue invites debate. She can handle it.

Molly Martini

Ooh, are we calling each other by our last names now Mavis Davis?! And what I actually said was "if your children believe the world owes them something, it is because you have failed as a parent, not the government or the world". Please notice the "if" at the beginning. This was in response to your comment "Our children are being raised to think the world owes them something". I did not angrily accuse you of being a bad parent, I was merely responding to what you had to say. You do seem very angry though, I am sorry that you feel so angry, it must be a huge burden to bear. And I don't go crying and accusing others of being mean, I am a big girl too. I just didn't want to disrespect my good friend Tiffany. Oh no, did I let it slip that Tiffany is friends with a Liberal? Oh dear, will she get into trouble now?!

So, to recap, she believes she is entitled to her opinion and it is the only one that should count, while my opinion counts for shit. Got it! She also has friends in England (really?) who tell her socialized medicine is baaadd! So I must be lying, right?

Worst of all, she started using my last name. She's going down!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! You know....I have quit talking to people...friends, acquaintances or otherwise about politics. Its becoming too much of a hate filled subject. I cannot understand why anyone, Republican, Independent or Democrat would still think Bush was a "good man"....but whatever. Regardless, I will continue to vote in mine and my son's best interests...I will continue to sign petitions for what I believe in....I will continue to let my state representatives know what I expect from them and hopefully stay up on the issues. And, I will continue to pray that God's will be done and and know that it is in HIS hands. That is the only thing that comforts me at night. Lastly, America does NOT have the best healthcare in the world. Why are people leaving this country then for alternative treatments that we don't do here? It is a HUGE reason why most of our jobs our now be sent to other countries....because those countries would not require the corporations to pay for health care benefits. So....if we don't get a public option...and my job gets sent overseas...then I no longer have a job or healthcare. Just sayin....there is always room for improvement. Oh...and my acid reflux medicine should not cost $60 a month....WITH insurance....I mean...its not curing cancer or anything....its reducing acid for pete's sake!!!

Love ya, Molly! Don't let the birther's get you down....I'm surprised she didn't throw that in there too....

Steph/ven said...

It's funny how quick Americans are to criticise the systems in Canada or the UK, when they have no actual experience with those systems. As a former Brit now living in the US, you are actually one of very few people with experience of the two systems, and therefore one of the few people who actually knows what she's talking about.

As for the US health care system, I would agree that it is probably the best in the world... if you are young, rich, white and healthy. Fail on any of these criteria and the quality of the system drops off dramatically.

(It's also a very inefficient system: because the ERs can't turn people away who need care, the poor who can't afford preventative medicine instead wait until they have to go to the ER to get treated for free, at a much higher cost to the public purse. The US actually spends more per person on public healthcare than do the UK or Canada, but provide a much worse (public) service than either of those countries.)

All of which is a very long-winded way to say: you're right.

Steph/ven said...

Sorry, my first sentence should say "It's funny how quick some Americans..."

Soda and Candy said...

Steph/ven is so right, people should understand that if you've had experience with both systems and especially when you've been in a lower income bracket then you are in a very good position to compare. My experience with the US health care system is that it's shockingly awful. Perhaps if you're incredibly poor, like, homeless and your leg's been chopped off or something then the free emergency health care kicks in but there is a massive gap between that and being able to afford not only insurance but the huge amounts that normal insurance doesn't cover, like Z's Mom's medicine.

Crizistal said...

Good for you friendsie...

Like I told you via email..nothing will ever get fixed until they revamp public financing. There is too much money involved that all politicians will lose.

I admire you strength to keep fighting...Fight the Good Fight!!
But always remember....people CHOOSE to drink the kool-aid b/c the truth is too painful sometimes.
Ignorance is Bliss!!!

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