Saturday, January 17, 2009

What I'm Listening To

Lilly Allen can be annoying sometimes, but I really like this new song of hers.

"and that's what makes my life so fucking fantastic"!


Crazy Momma said...

Love it!

Live.Love.Eat said...

ok, this is crazy because I was just cleaning up my email and I saw correspondence between me and another blogger about how I loved a song she was playing on her blog by Lily Allen. So, I deleted the email and just wrote down Lily's name so I make sure to sample her other stuff. Then I click here and what do I see. Funny!!! How are you girl?

M said...

Ha, that is funny Steph! I absolutely love it and my new mantra is "that's what makes my life so fucking fantastic"!!! Thanks for joining me here, will be over to your place soon.

Crazy Momma said...

I just keep coming back to listen to it...I should probably just break down and pay for it on Itunes. Although, I do like stopping over here as well :)

Retro Girl said...

I've always liked Lily! This new song is Fab! (Love that little retro camper!)

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