Friday, January 30, 2009

A little bit of a rant

Okay, I am going to be very insensitive here, but having octuplets when you have SIX other children already is just irresponsible. Taking fertility drugs when you have no children, or only one and you have struggled to get pregnant again is understandable, but not when you have SIX hobbits at home already! Come on, I love babies as much as the next person, they are delicious (with a glass of wine) and you want to snuggle them and kiss them and then when they poop it is lovely to hand them back to their rightful owner. But seriously! Am I the only one who is thinking this?

And Elizabeth Hasselbeck, do you really need a third child? Is it not enough you have two already that you have to have another one during the next great depression?

None of this is helping stimulate the economy people!


Amy said...

I SO TOTALLY AGREE!! Not to mention that this girl lives with her PARENTS!! She has a 7, 6, 5, 3yr old and set of 2 yr old twins. OMG!! 14 kids under the age of 8.

I would be in the looney bin. For sure.

Shelly... said...

It is absolutely insane. She must have had the doctor who gave her the fertility drugs duped to get them. It's wrong on so many levels, I won't even start. I wish those kids lots of luck--they will need it!

FunnyGal KAT said...

I thought the same thing when I read about her today. That's crazy! (I grew up as one of three kids so the Elizabeth Hasselback thing doesn't bother me, but 14?!?) I'm not sure what the mother (or the grandparents) was thinking!

Ruby said...

Mols, taking such issue with people with babies makes me wonder about... YOU WANTING TO BE PREGGERS! Am I right?! Yes?! :)

Unknown said...

I didn't know this about the Octuplets and YES I totally agree, it's nuts. If they were in the UK it's a dead-cert they'd be on the social!!

Pollyanna said...

Ohmyword, I so totally agree with you. The world is crowded enough, give it break already.

Anonymous said...

I have not heard of this woman with all the kids? Where have I been? Oh yes, I remember now.

Anyway, I did hear about Elizabeth and feel sorry that her kids have such a stupid mother.

SouthernBelle said...

That is too many babas.

Maybe she should hand a few off to people who aren't able to make their own.

; )

kbd224 said...

I agree 100% about the octuplets. 14 kids? WHY?!?! And she lives with her parents...

I think three is an acceptable number though. But only because I want a third... The hubby doesn't agree.

M said...

No Megan, I most certainly don't want to be pregnant right now! Besides which, it would be the immaculate conception and I couldn't deal with the press hounding me.

wendy said...

Molly - I adore you. You must know that. Still, I don't think you and I will ever agree politically!! :)

M said...

Don't you worry Wendy, I don't agree with Bitsy politically either, but having a million babies isn't anything to do with politics. Doctors have a responsibility and I don't think the doctor who performed this procedure was doing the right thing.

WheresMyAngels said...

Does she think she is a Rabbit?

SouthernBelle said...

BTW, please don't take my rant (posted today) on flavor-tinis personally - in fact you may have some inside info on what classifies a martini as such!

SouthernBelle said...

Oh off topic for this but sort of on topic for your blog - what are the defining characteristics that allow a drink to be named a martini?

Retro Girl said...

I totally agree..this is wanton neglect, really. There are so many reasons why this is so wrong...and selfish!! Reasons including that our world is already massively over-populated! (I could go on and on...but won't! lol...I'm shutting up now...)

M said...

Southern Belle, martinis are traditionally gin based, they started with the vodka based ones later on, but really, just because you put it in a martini glass does not mean you can call it a martini. All the flavored and fruity martinis are not traditional martinis, although if it has vodka in, to me it is a martini! The official martini club people are probably cursing me!!!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Hah. I have missed your feistiness!!!!

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